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June 2011 Boudoir Workshop

By April 7, 2011Workshops

We would LOVE to have you come out to beautiful, SUNNY SAN DIEGO for our next boudoir photography workshop! We absolutely LOVE our workshops, and we love meeting new photographers, chatting with everyone, sharing some things we’ve learned with our business, and overall having a GREAT time! If you’re ready to sign up for the workshop, go on over to the Boudoir Shop to register now! If you have any questions, please feel free to email Ashley & she’ll help you w/ any questions you may have: [email protected] Looking forward to seeing you here! xoxo, Kimberlee & Marissa

Here’s a quick run-down on the details for the Boudoir Divas’ Workshop…
DATES: June 7-8, 2011
TIME: 10am-5pm, with a lunch break thrown in there somewhere along the way.
DAY ONE: Lighting basics, posing tips, watch the Divas demo w/ a model (past client), then you grab your camera and SHOOT! We have set it up where each of you will have 10 minutes of 1-on-1 time with a model/client… ensuring that you have time to work with them and not have to ‘fight’ for the best shot with 20 other people. ๐Ÿ™‚ You will be shooting with our models on our sets, using our hot lights… and you get to use these images for your website! Such a great way to build your boudoir photography portfolio!
DAY TWO: Everything else. Seriously. We try to cram as MUCH as we can into this day… from the boudoir experience to pricing and packages, to studio organization, to post-processing and marketing and advertising. We don’t hold back anything!

“I absolutely LOVED this workshop!! Worth every penny and I would totally do it again. All the Divas were SO great! I learned so much and bumped up my portfolio!! They went in depth about lighting, you get one on one time with models and they even go over every bit of their business plan. They are not afraid to share anything as they want you to succeed! I went to school for two years for photography and learned more in just these two days!! So it doesnโ€™t matter if you are just starting or have been doing it for years, I promise you will love it! Plus who doesnโ€™t want to hang with The Boudoir Divas!!!” – Jamie Sperry

“I am SO glad I attend the San Diego workshop as I not only had a great time and took some phenomenal pictures for my portfolio, but I learned so much about how to launch a boudoir photography business. As a new boudoir photographer, it was priceless to learn the tips, tricks, secrets, and basics of launching my business the right way from the original Divas! I told my husband everything we did and he nailed it – “you went to school!”. I don’t remember school being this fun! If I did, I would have paid more attention! Thanks Diva Team!” – Anita Lubke

“This workshop is absolutely worth every penny! If for no other reason than the killer portfolio you will leave with. But there are so many more reasons this workshop ROCKS! The Divas don’t hold back; they tell you all their secrets, everything they’ve learned, everything you need to know to shoot Boudoir. This workshop is great for people just starting out or those who already have a photography business and want to add Boudoir. I left there with the know how and ability to start a Boudoir Photography business. This is the best money you will spend if you want to learn this awesome niche market.” –Kate Kelava

ADD-ON OPTION: “BASICS” BREAKFAST (this is an optional add-on… we’ll be going over the basics of exposure, making sure you’re ready to shoot in manual mode for the remainder of the day once the workshop kicks off!)
DATE: June 7 (the morning of the workshop, before it officially starts)
TIME: 7:30-9:30am
COST: $75 for the add-on basics breakfast

Here are a few videos to show a bit more about our boudoir workshops:


  • Brooke says:

    Oh I want to go sooooo bad! This is just a bad year for everything, because of the wedding. But I will get to one of your workshops, I WILL! Great work ladies! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Divas says:

    Brooke – someday! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Crystal Passarotti says:

    I would like to know what is covered in the in-person workshop that is not covered in your workshop in a book electronic download? I desperately want to attend this workshop since I want to dedicate my business to solely boudoir, I have a few sessions under my belt but need some help with lighting and marketing, business model etc. I need to be able to justify the expense of traveling from NYC/NJ to my husband. As far as the portfolio building, do we shoot 1 model or many? How much time do we have with the model(s)? I know in past workshops you could add on private time with one of the divas, is that incorporated or is it available as an add on? Are other workshops planned for the summer (it’s easier for me to do this when my kids are out of school for the summer)? If I do this I need to bid out all of my expenses before I book. What are the area hotels and do you have deals with any of them for special rates?

    Any extra info on the workshop vs. Workshop in a book would be greatly appreciated!

    I love your company! I want my business to be as fun and as full of pizazz as yours!

  • Divas says:

    Crystal – we’ve emailed you! ๐Ÿ™‚
    The Divas

  • Hey-I’d love to come to your workshop, but in your videos I don’t see any men photographers. Do you take serious men photographers in your classes? Let me know. I love your work.

  • Divas says:

    Hey Steve! Yes, we definitely do. We usually have 1 or 2 guys at every workshop! Email us for more details or if you have any other ?s! [email protected]

  • Casey says:

    Hi, I am unable to attend the workshop in June. Wondered if you had a general idea of your next one so I could plan ahead. Even if you only have an idea of what month. Your work is really inspirational. Thank you for the info. Casey

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