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Big Announcement!

By Inspiration5 Comments

We alluded to something big happening a few months ago (on a post on our old blog). So here’s the deal. We have been searching and searching for royalty-free music that fits our style and vision for our boudoir business… all to no avail.  There are plenty of options out there when it comes to purchasing royalty-free songs, but those songs just aren’t “us.”  So we have done something very exciting over the past few months!  We have collaborated with a fabulous local musician – MELISSA VAUGHAN – and she has written a song exclusively for the Boudoir Divas!!!  Marissa and I are so excited about this song; it is fun, catchy, and the lyrics are just perfect.  When Melissa first played the song for us, I literally got teary-eyed at the words in the first line.  🙂  We couldn’t have asked for anything more, and we can’t WAIT to get this song on our websites and client slideshows!  This past weekend Melissa spent some time in the recording studio, so we will be able to release the song in the next few months.  Until then, go check out Melissa’s site (and buy her latest album on itunes!)  Thanks, Melissa, for working with us.  You are so incredibly talented, and we just know that you are going to take the world by storm with your beautiful music!  xoxo, Kimberlee & Marissa


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I just love my business partner! Seriously, Marissa is one of THE most kind, giving, sweet people I know. I wanted to give you all a little glimpse into the wonderful-ness known as Marissa Boucher, so last week I interviewed everyone at the office, and threw together this little video all about our sweet Riss. Enjoy!

SD Wedding Style Covers!

By Inspiration2 Comments

I just have to brag for a moment about Marissa & Weston Boucher. I guess you could say that I know these two pretty well, seeing as how I’ve been working with them day-in & day-out for over two years! I have been lucky enough to watch their wedding business grow in incredible ways, moving from a small office in their home to this beautiful 4,000 square-foot studio space in San Diego. Their wedding photography is so incredibly beautiful; if I had to choose one word to describe their wedding images, hands-down that word would be “romance.” I am so proud of these two, and so excited for the big news: they just had TWO of their images chosen for the covers of SD Style Wedding Mag! This week we were able to join them at the SD Style party, and it was just so cool to see their gorgeous photos on the covers! The covers won’t be released until later this year, but I’m sure they’ll be posting some preview images soon, along with some pics from the party, so be sure to check out their blog later this week!

Congrats, you guys! You are so awesome… I am proud to be able to work with you both, and I am also so very blessed to call you my friends! For those of you joining us in Paris – you’re going to get the opportunity to watch these two in action with an engagement session on the streets of Paris!

Get on the waiting list

By Inspiration, WorkshopsNo Comments

Hey everyone! I know that a lot of you are bummed that we’ve closed registration for our Paris Workshop. BUT… we do have a waiting list started, so if you’d like to have your name on there, send us an email and we’ll add you. Then if we are able to open up any other workshop seats, we will let you know. Thanks!

Just one of those shoots….

By Personal5 Comments

…… when you are totally in the photographer rockstar pocket! If I am honest, I haven’t had one of these in awhile. Usually, my goal is to get about 5 killer shots on each set that I know that the client will love, and if I do that I know I have done my job well. But this day, oh man, I just started amped to shoot because I felt like I had been away from the camera forever (about a week). I really don’t know if it was my attitude starting out or that I had drank way too much diet coke, but whatever it was had me moving that gal from set to set, pose to pose as fast as I could. I was loooovving every minute of this boudoir shoot. Thanks to Julie for letting me use her gorgeous images. She was so happy after the shoot so I asked Amanda, our concierge, to do a little mini testimonial afterwards. – Marissa




A portion of her testimonial:

Julie purchased a “Full Photo Shoot” package which means I get design a beautiful KISS book for her. I may have to order a studio sample for our “Woman Captured” studio 🙂 Thanks again Julie, you were very nervous, but you went for it and followed instuction wonderfully. Here is the perfect example of what happens when a boudoir client trusts her photographer.

Photos of groom receiving his boudoir book…

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Almost all of our wedding clients come in for a boudoir shoot, which gives us the opportunity to photograph the groom’s reaction when he opens the boudoir book before the ceremony on the wedding day . How priceless is this adoring hubby’s expression!? He was kind enough to allow us to blog and use it for promo. Thanks again Marcus! We are so thrilled that you loved Shelley’s photos, we knew you would, she looks so stunning, and now we can fully illustrate to brides just how much the groom
REALLY loves his photos.

A post on DWF got me thinking…

By PersonalOne Comment

I was looking around on DWF the other day, lost in the Digital Wedding Forum black hole (I call it that because I love the boudoir posts so much I could spend an entire day lurking around on there). Anyway, so there was a post about “being stumped” during a shoot and it made me realize that I have a bit of insight that I should probably share.  Being that during boudoir I am working with someone who A) typically hasn’t had solo portraits done since senior year and B) above even that has to take their clothes off in front of me (a smiley and chatterbox stranger)- well let’s just politely say that this is very different from any other type shoot and our client certainly doesn’t have a relaxed posture or look on her face. With that said we definitely “pose”  our boudoir shots quite a bit. Even the slightest move of the legs or arm can add major shape to the figure. BUT- the pose is really the last thing that we have time to think about, we have to keep focused on being upbeat, talkative and making the clients expressions as relaxed and “sexified” as possible. Since I can rarely shoot and talk and THINK at the same time, I always have a cheat sheets nearby with my fav poses or recent mag clips that I love. In our book we even have our top used poses for every shape all laid out for you. We named each one so that we could commit them to memory easily. This may seem like a pretty unexciting way to photograph, but being able to connect with our clients, while maximizing time and moving quickly through the shoot, has proven to be a big part of our successful biz plan.

A bit of inspiration that was laying around next to the cameras in the Woman Captured Studio.

 One of the 12 poses we love to do! All of them are in our book for easy reference. Back in the day when I started these poses seriously took down my anxiety before boudoir shoots, because I knew if I couldn’t think of anything totally new and fresh, at least I had my favies nearby.

Peace out fellow Boudoir Divas (and Divos)- Marissa