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the bebbs Archives - The Boudoir Divas - San Diego Photography


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Hey everyone! Kimberlee here today… just wanted to talk about something that I’m very passionate about. I know it’s something that has stirred up quite a bit of controversy and conversations, but it’s something that I am 100% behind. It’s incorporating video and stills into visual artwork for our clients. The Bebbs have coined the term “Fusion” – I highly recommend going over to the Fusion site to check out their DVD that they’re releasing; it will be covering how to accomplish Fusion. It’s something that I’ve been interested for a long time now, and with my portrait business, I’ve decided that every portrait session for 2009 will be a combination photo/video shoot. [Check out my ‘test run’ with a shoot from a few weeks ago… not high quality video, but I wanted to see if it was something that I could do for every shoot]. Anyway… this is also something that Marissa & I have talked about for a LONG time in regards to boudoir. We’ve been doing our little video-photo combos for our boudoir ‘just for fun’ shoots with models for a long time now, and we’re so excited to start offering this new specialty service to all of our regular boudoir clients, too! I’ll be posting a little ‘teaser’ in the next week or so, with some footage and stills we shot a few weeks ago. Exciting stuff! We aren’t saying that this is for everyone, or that all boudoir photographers need to start incorporating video. I’m just one of those weird people that loves trying my hand in all kinds of things, so I’m excited about learning Final Cut Pro. (I’m super dorky like that). 🙂 So if this idea excites you, I encourage you to try it out!